
пятница, 30 сентября 2016 г.

Третье обновление готово!

Итак, наконец-то я завершил последнюю третью битву. Она была очень сложна в разработке, но теперь результат стоит тех ожиданий.
В новом обновлении доступен третий противник на Тяжёлом уровне сложности. Битва с ним сделана как большой интерактив, позволяющий вам уклонится от всех атак противника. Теперь результат битвы зависит напрямую от вас.
Также доступен финал истории, в котором вы узнаете о мистической девочки, которая и подготовила все эти битвы.
Обновление доступно на обоих сайтах.
Однако игра ещё не завершена. В следующем обновлении будет исправленный текст и дополнительный контент. 

12 комментариев:

  1. Hello Netral

    Good work on your update :D but can you please upload your update somewhere else because Dlsite is Really slow for me it takes days to download it :- (

    1. I can give a link to the unpacked version, but only by hand, that is, through the e-mail address(
      This game is paid, so I can not give a direct link.

  2. Hey Netral just scent you an enmail from kevmike2006 with proof that I bought your game and can't get to the third part can you please upload to me a direct link I really want to play it! thank you

  3. Great game Netral! totally worth the wait man! I can't wait to see more from you in the near future but enjoy your rest you've earned it!

  4. Spoilers!!!

    Can someone tell me how to get the YukoBlommersDead and YukoPussyDead events.

    1. Events YukoBlommersDead and YukoPussyDead are randomly endings, which are activated at the death of normal attacks (no trap-attacks). Total of this endings 3. If you die clamped in a trap-attack is activated ending associated with this attack.

  5. For some reason when I lose I get the same ending as if I won.Any help?

    1. Well, it seems that this is the first serious mistake in the third update.
      Fix it will not be difficult.
      I will give a fix files in new messages in blog.

  6. Is there a third update of the compressed file?

    1. No. Third update, as a single file does not exist. The third update goes right along with the game, which is updated on the websites wherein the game is not necessary to buy again.
      But if there is a problem with the update, or to sites, I can directly through the mail to send a link for the updated game.
      My mail has the upper right on this page.

  7. Is there a third update of the compressed file?

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